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What guests said about Memphis:

  • 8.0
    Scored 8.0

    Born and raised there....the people are

    Born and raised there....the people are big eatery there, very good food.....Memphis.....what appears along the highway is maybe not the most scenic, but, Memphis has its very own overpass to Club Lake and Fairview Cemetery. Also, there are several gas stations along the main high way....Allsups, Loves(with Sonic Drive Inn). Memphis is a small town with cotton farming as its main tax base. Downtown is paved with probably 100+ year old take a ride downtown and see the courthouse.....churches in the main town have two, each about two blocks from each other. There are two banks, both on the square. Also, on 6th street off 287, turn left on 256 (Noel) go south about a mile, and you'll visit the City Park. Well maintained......BarBQ pits, tables, and a couple of extras. Also, downtown is Gloria's, the local Mexican food diner, but they're open only if you see cars parked in front, and people going in and out. On HWY 256 (Noel Street), is the Old Fashion Freeze.....a rather well used looking place, but has been a Memphis staple for short orders for 75 years.
    United States