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What guests said about Troy:

  • 10
    Scored 10

    Troy is a beautiful little town.

    Troy is a beautiful little town. It's small, but has pretty much everything you need. Anything else can be gotten in Libby, which is about 20 minutes away. Not a lot of places to eat out, which is understandable, but there are several places within a half hour if you want something besides what's in Troy. Troy has a very nice public park with great playground equipment and even a splash pad. It has a boat ramp there if you bring your own boat, and there's a nice paved walking trail around the park. The people there are friendly and welcoming. If you're looking for a place to relax and enjoy nature, it's perfect. We drove to Ross Cedars one day (highly recommend) and also to the swinging bridge and the falls (highly recommend). Some of us also drove to Glacier National Park one day and that was a nice drive also and easy to do in a day.
    United States